Nix: The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 7.5 Read online

Page 6

  Pixie left with Duke as I was paying, and Tippy headed to the bathroom. I smelled her fear from twenty feet away, and as I turned I saw Angelica push Bash back as she said, “You’re scaring her. Stop.”

  Angelica took a step towards Tippy, realized she was scaring her, too, and squatted so her butt was on her heels. “You’re okay. Bash is an ass without trying, but he won’t hurt you and neither will I.”

  I stayed put and watched it play out. Tippy took a breath, shook her fear off, and said, “Sorry, I’ll try to do better. You can stand up, there was just too much at once. I’m okay.”

  Angelica stood in slow motion, careful not to spook her. “We’ll have to get you used to Bash. He glowers at everyone but me, and sometimes I get it, too. He doesn’t mean anything by it, he’s just an asshole by nature.” The two of them walked into the bathroom together, and Tippy seemed to be mostly okay. I listened to their conversation as I dealt with the check, and was waiting outside the women’s restroom when they came out.

  “Thanks, Angelica,” I said before looking at Tippy and asking, “Want me to beat Bash up for you?”

  “No,” she said with a laugh. “I’m okay.”

  Which was good, because I wasn’t at all sure I could beat Bash with fists alone, but no way was I going to tell Tippy. She needed to know I’d protect her from anyone who might want to cause her harm.

  “Honest,” Angelica told her, “don’t let him scare you. If he glowers at you, stick your tongue out at him or something. He isn’t going to hurt you.”

  Bash rolled his eyes as we stepped to him, but he smiled at Tippy and said, “I’m the Sergeant at Arms, which means if you do something to hurt the club, it’s my job to hurt you. Otherwise, my Princess is right and I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe while you’re in my presence. You’re special to Nix and he’s my brother. Makes you special to all of us.”

  “We’re going to hike to the waterfall, what do ya’ll have planned?” I asked.

  * * *

  Pixie was standing under the waterfall when we arrived, her arms were stretched out and up, and she was glowing. I watched, fascinated, as she danced under the water. Even in my wolf form I don’t think I’d have been able to dance on the slippery, uneven rocks under so much water cascading down, and yet she was the picture of grace and joy.

  Tippy leaned in towards me and I looked down, assuming she wanted my attention. The look on her face told me something was up, and I walked with her a little ways from the rest of the group and sat on a log. She made herself comfortable on my lap, sitting sideways and resting her face against my shoulder.

  “I like Pixie. I mean, I like her. We’ve talked about the fact I can’t promise monogamy long term, and that I’ll talk to you before I’m with someone else, and I guess this is me telling you I intend to try to seduce her.”

  I kept my arms around her and cuddled her to me as I considered my response. If she’d wanted to have sex with a man, I’m not sure I could’ve handled it. I mean, there’d be no reason to be pissed at her, because she told me from the beginning she isn’t built for exclusivity, but it still may have been the end of us because I need to know my girl is mine, when it’s someone I love.

  But I’m a red-blooded American male, and the thoughts of my girl with Pixie make my dick hard, so I asked, “Any chance I can watch, or do you want this to just be the two of you? I don’t especially want to be left alone while we’re on the trip.”

  She pulled back and looked at me, her eyes studying mine as if she were looking for clues. “You aren’t pissed?”

  I moved her leg across my rock-hard cock, and she grinned. “You’d really want to watch? Even if you aren’t involved and it’s just the two of us?”

  “Yeah. I’m not interested in doing her, but I’d love to watch the two of you.”

  “I don’t even know if she’ll be interested in me, and if she is, it may take us spending time together before we’re ready for more. What do you want from me, if it doesn’t work out so we can include you?”

  “Total honesty.” She was quiet while I worked through what else I wanted to say, and I finally added, “I didn’t think I’d be okay with you having sex with other people, but I think I might be okay if I’m the only man in your life. Do you think you can give me that?”

  “I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t want to lose you, and I know we’re going to have to find a middle ground…” She sighed. “I think I might be able to give it to you, but I won’t make the promise until I’m sure.”

  And that was one of the many reasons I’d fallen in love with her — she wouldn’t make a promise unless she was sure she could keep it.

  She slid from my lap to her knees, and I sighed with pleasure as she unfastened my jeans and wrapped her lips around my cock. I let her blow me a good five minutes before I flipped her around and took her from behind. We were far enough into the woods and away from the trail no one saw, and with the sounds of the waterfall the humans wouldn’t hear, though I knew the wolves could.

  Tippy went running off to Pixie when we returned to the falls, and I walked over to talk to Duke and Dawg.

  “What can ya’ll tell me about Pixie?”

  Duke eyed me a few seconds. “All you need to know is I rescued her from a bad situation and the RTMC keeps her safe.”

  “I might need to know more.” I nodded towards the two women now dancing together on the rocks.

  Duke sighed. “Pixie hasn’t had sex since I rescued her over a decade ago. If anyone’s going to coax her into it again, your little deer probably has the best chance — but she’ll need to go slow and know what she’s getting into.”

  “Which is why I asked what you could tell me.”

  “Sorry. Not my place to talk about it. Pixie’ll have to tell you or Tippy any details she wants you to know.”



  I thought things were going great with the little Pixie. I’m small, but she’s tiny next to me, and I was being super careful with her as we danced and hugged.

  It was cold out, but the sun was shining and I wasn’t totally miserable being wet. Standing under the falls was brutal, though — calling it a cold mountain stream would be an understatement. Pixie didn’t appear to be bothered by the cold, but she sat with me on a rock so we got just a little spray while the sun warmed us, and didn’t argue when I moved behind her, so she was between my legs.

  I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned into me as if I were safe, when all I wanted to do was get her out of her clothes and play with her delicious little body. She may only be four and a half feet tall, but she has the curves of a woman.

  However, when I kissed her neck, she froze a few seconds and then bolted, and the next thing I knew, I was alone on the rocks and she was hiding behind Duke as if I’d threatened to eat her alive.

  Duke turned his back to me and drew her into his arms, and Nix walked upstream until he was as close to me as he could get and remain dry.

  “You going to make me get wet to talk to you?”

  I shook my head, stood, and walked to him.

  “Not your fault, Tip,” he said, his lips to my ear as he wrapped his arms around me. “She’s been abused, and — according to Duke — hasn’t had sex since he rescued her years ago. He says if anyone’s going to bring her back to life sexually, you probably have the best chance, but he warned it might take a while to get her there.”

  My heart hurt for her, and I sighed. “I like her. If she just sleeps with us tonight and no one has sex, would that be okay?”

  He kissed my forehead and pulled me into his warm embrace. “If this helps us find a way to let you sow your wild oats in a way I’m okay with? Yeah, I’m good. We should probably stop somewhere and get me some shorts to sleep in though, if she’s going to sleep with us.”

  “You’re so good to me.”

  “I love you, Tip.”

  I froze as I took his words in. He’d never told me he loved me before and I wasn’t sure ho
w to respond. I needed to say something, though, so I carefully told him, “I’m not even sure what love is, anymore. I care for you and it might be love, but I thought I was in love before and looking back on it… I’m not sure it was.”

  “When you figure it out, let me know. Until then, know that I love you and I’ll do what I can to make whatever this is between us work. Some things aren’t negotiable and I’m not sure how we’ll work around them, but I hope to god we can figure it out.”

  I pulled away from him and gave him a shy smile. “Me too, but right now I think I need to go talk to Pixie.”

  He nodded, and I made my way to Pixie and Duke, who were now standing just inside the forest. Pixie’s back was to me, and Duke gave me a concerned look as I neared. He had both of his arms around her, holding her, and I could see his wolf near the surface, protecting her. My deer wanted to run but I forced my human body to stand still.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you, Pixie.” I took a few more steps and stopped ten feet away. “Is it okay if I come a little closer, so we can talk?”

  She turned in Duke’s arms and I could see she’d been crying, but she nodded and gave me a weak smile. “Yes. I’m sorry I freaked. I like you, but I guess I thought it was safe to let you touch me because you’re with Nix, so when you made it more, my reflexes kicked in.”

  I glanced at Duke. His wolf was still close to the surface and I pushed my deer down farther. I took two steps and stopped again. “Duke, I’m not going to hurt her and your wolf is freaking out my deer.”

  He closed his eyes a few seconds, and when he opened them the wolf wasn’t near the surface anymore. I breathed easier and took a few steps closer.

  “I am with Nix, but he knows I can’t promise him monogamy. We haven’t figured out how to work through that yet, because wolves pretty much demand exclusivity in their mates, but he thinks we might be able to work it out if I’m with girls and not guys. I’m bisexual, so… it might work. I haven’t been around anyone I’m interested in, but you called to my soul. I like you.”

  No one said anything for several long moments, and I finally said, “I won’t try to kiss you again. At least not without talking to you about it first, okay? Can we hang out together some more? Maybe hold hands and hug and cuddle like we were?”

  “It was okay before because I didn’t understand it was sexual.”

  Duke snugged his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “Maybe if you think of it as affectionate instead of sexual until you’re used to her and trust her? You and I have talked about how long it might take before you can heal from what was done to you. I’ll stay close, and you know I won’t let anyone hurt you, Pix.”

  “I’m sorry I made you sad,” I told her. “I loved watching you dance, seeing how much you love life. I still like you, though. This is part of you, and I’ll deal with the happy parts as well as the sad parts.”

  I must’ve said something right, because I noted a subtle change in her eyes as her scent shifted to one of hope. She gently stepped out of Duke’s arms and held her hand out to me. I took it, and we walked downstream to the cascades.



  By the time we headed to bed at three in the morning, I had no idea what the rest of the night was going to bring.

  I’d stood with Duke as we watched Tippy and Pixie dance and play together, and he’d asked how I felt about my woman giving her attention and affection to someone else.

  “She never promised herself to only me. If I’m honest I’ll say I don’t like it, but I also know I’ll lose her if I can’t be okay with her being with others sometimes. I don’t think she’ll ever be with someone else more than she’s with me, because she… well, it’s a long story but I just don’t think it’ll be a problem.” I watched them laugh together as they went to the bar for more drinks. “I think my wolf might be able to handle her being with others as long as I’m the only man in her life.”

  “My wolf wouldn’t be able to watch Gen with someone else. Not even a woman.”

  “Oh, my wolf isn’t happy, but… he’d be even unhappier if we lost her.” I sighed. “Tip and I have talked about this, and about whether it would be better for her to do it away from me or around me. I told her I needed to see it some, so I could explain it to the wolf. He needs to understand from the beginning or he’s liable to hurt someone if we accidentally happen upon her being intimate with someone else. I think she’s trying to give that to me, and as hard as this is — seeing it is easier than knowing it’s happening when I can’t be around to make sure she’s okay.”

  And now, as I went to the bathroom of our hotel room to change into the shorts I’d bought this afternoon — because heaven forbid Pixie see a cock — I reminded my wolf why we were doing this. Tippy needed it, and if we played our cards right we might get to see some girl-on-girl action.

  Tippy was wearing one of my tees when I returned to the room. It came to below her knees and she looked so stinking cute I had to give her a kiss. I smelled more interest than fear coming from Pixie, and I kept it lighthearted even though it lasted longer than was probably polite.

  We’d negotiated this — me on one side of the king-sized bed, Tip in the middle, and Pixie on the other side. We’d even switched rooms with Brain and Harmony, so we were right beside Duke’s room and he’d be able to hear us through the wall.

  Duke and his wolf were beyond nervous about this, and his reactions told me just how much was riding on whatever happened tonight.

  My job was to make sure Pixie knew she was safe. She’s used to the RTMC protecting her, and as a brother I represented the club for her — yet she hadn’t known me that long and I knew I still made her a little nervous.

  Pixie went into the bathroom after me and put on a nightgown. While she was in there, I smothered Tippy in kisses and ran my hand under her t-shirt to tease her a little. The teasing got out of hand, and my fingers were inside her pussy when Pixie came out of the bathroom. I didn’t rush to end it, though. I slowly pulled them out and held Tippy’s gaze as I licked them clean. When I finished, I turned to Pixie with a smile. “You look good in purple, and my Tippy is looking forward to cuddling with you.”

  “Duke thinks it’s important for me to explore this, and I know he’s right, but it just feels… weird. Awkward.”

  “Do you trust Duke?”

  “He saved me, and he’s taken care of me ever since. I don’t think I could work in a normal job but I love working at the bike shop. There are always RTMC members around, and if anyone from the public even looks at me cross, someone steps in and handles it. Duke’s my hero.”

  “And he’s right next door, but you won’t need him tonight because I’ll keep you safe, too. One of the first things I was told when I came to town was that you’re special to the club, and to be protected and sheltered.”

  Tippy went to her, put an arm around her, and gently walked her to the bed. “I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun dancing, but I’m exhausted. Come lay with me and help me go to sleep?”

  Apparently, phrasing it so Pixie was helping Tippy out by getting in bed with her was the right choice of words, because they crawled under the sheets and Pixie spooned back into Tippy without another word. Within minutes, both were asleep and my wolf was complaining to me that he thought he was going to see some girl action.

  * * *

  It was still dark outside when movement awakened me, and I realized one of the women was deep under the covers as the other moaned. It took me a few seconds to realize my girlfriend was the one moaning in pleasure because I was pretty sure Pixie was going down on her.

  My dilemma was whether to kiss her and help, maybe lick and suck her nipples some… or to sit back and watch. Should this be just between the two of them, or could I participate as long as I kept my hands off Pixie?

  Tippy resolved some of my dilemma by slapping her arm onto my chest as she spread her legs wider and moaned long and low. I ran my fingers up her arm and kissed her ha
nd, but decided to make do with this amount of contact. For now, anyway.

  My cock had started to fill with Tip’s first moan, and it was rock hard now but I ignored it as I listened outside the room to be sure there were no signs of danger. I heard showers running in other parts of the hotel, and mundane conversations I wasn’t interested in listening to. Assured we were safe, I brought my attention back to the two women in my bed.

  Tippy went from moaning to talking.

  “I’m gonna come. Oh, fuck, yes, that’s perfect. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed, and I leaned in enough to kiss her shoulder as she came unglued.

  She moved and writhed on the bed through her climax, and Pixie must not have let up one bit because Tippy came for several long minutes before she finally collapsed in a heap of relaxed muscles as she struggled to catch her breath.

  I backed away as Pixie kissed her way up Tippy’s body. When she got to her chest, my little Deer pulled the other woman to her in a kiss. I know from experience how much Tippy likes tasting herself on someone else’s lips, and my cock throbbed in my shorts as the two embraced and kissed.

  Tippy tried to turn Pixie, but she must’ve smelled the fear hit the room as soon as I did, because she quickly relaxed and stayed on bottom as she moved her hands to Pixie’s sides so she caressed her instead of embracing her.

  Pixie pulled her mouth away and Tip said, “Baby steps, it’s okay. Tell me how I can get you off? Will you sit on my face?”

  Pixie sat up and grabbed a pillow, settled it upright against the headboard, and leaned against it so her back was almost a C. With Pixie’s knees spread out to the side giving easy access, Tippy quickly understood the invitation and went to work.